Can You Call This A Guide? That Depends

Can You Call This A Guide? That Depends

Whenever people would ask if  I like the smell of the  ocean or the aroma of the ground after hours of heavy rain, my answer would be “That depends”. I can like the smell of the ocean if the place where I’m standing is not close enough to where the fishers put their...
Becoming A Woman

Becoming A Woman

I was raised and come from a privileged family. Well educated parents, warm big family members, good financial situation so that I can have a good education, fulfill the needs of school equipment and books, and filtered entertainment on our old TV. I believe I’m...
Tidak Populer, Tidak Dibaca

Tidak Populer, Tidak Dibaca

Saya suka membaca. Tiga kata ini bisa saja saya kembangkan menjadi lembaran narasi tentang betapa kuatnya rangkaian ide, rasa, dan opini yang dituang dalam susunan cemerlang bisa membuat saya melewati berjam-jam tanpa sadar siang berubah sore dengan cepat.  Dulu...
Spoilers and The Journey of Answering

Spoilers and The Journey of Answering

Three out of ten of the people who enjoy watching movies or series or reading books can’t help themselves but looking for spoilers on the internet. I’m one of them. One of those three people. When I was in highschool or college and reading good fiction was my biggest...
A Day Without Covid

A Day Without Covid

Who else thought that when all of this Covid situation started, it would only last for another couple of months? Who else thought that when we all first heard the word #StayAtHome to campaign social distancing, we’ll only be reading news about Covid for another few...
Wishing Well Instead of Questioning

Wishing Well Instead of Questioning

On one fine morning, I was sitting on my black mahogany wood chair having my pandan pancakes while sending the invitation of my little brother’s wedding to a few friends I’m feeling close with. And as the regular interaction between humans occurred or as they said the...